Following our article on How to Set Up Prepayments, we discussed how the prepayment amount on an order is calculated based on the prepayment percentage specified on items, customers, or vendors. 

Further to this, you can also edit this prepayment percentage on the individual sales or purchase order on the prepayment fast tab.

How to process a prepayment invoice

Note: The steps below are using a Purchase Order but the same steps are required in Sales Orders

Create a Purchase Order with a prepayment requirement. Make sure there is a Prepayment % value on the Prepayments Fast tab.

To post the prepayment invoice for the prepayment amount, on the Menu tab, click on Actions > Posting > Prepayment > Post Prepayment Invoice. You may also Preview Prepmt. Invoice before posting and Post and Print Prepmt. Invoice.


You may view the posted prepayment in the Posted Purchase Invoice list.

Note: You may repeat the same steps if you wish to post another prepayment within the same invoice


You may now go back to the Purchase Order to post the purchase invoice for the total amount of the purchase order minus the prepayment amount using the normal way to post Purchase Orders. Once posted, the status of the invoice will now be changed to Pending Prepayment.


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