Attaching documents into Business Central is a simple way to streamline your document management process. Learn step by step how to navigate the ins and outs of document management in Business Central.
Files can be attached in Business Central to efficiently upload and reference outside documents within your ERP system. By attaching file documents, you can associate tax invoices to purchase orders, order confirmation to sales orders, catalogues to Items, contracts with Vendors or Customers and many others. Different file types can be attached to unposted documents and once posted, the attachments will also flow to the resulting entries and posted documents throughout Business Central.
Attachments can be inserted in most of the pages in Business Central like orders or invoices, posted documents, master cards, and ledger entries.
Below are the steps on how to attach and view documents to a Sales Order and its Posted Sales Invoice. Please note that the process is the same regardless of the page.
Step 1:
To attach a document in Sales Order, click Documents in the Attachments Factbox at the right-hand side of the page.
Step 2:
A file can be attached by clicking Attach Files then Choose and browse to the files from your drive, or drag and drop the file in the Choose button.
Step 3:
Once the file is attached, it will fill in the columns like type of file, the user who attached the file, and date and time it has been attached. Multiple files can be attached by simply clicking the next line.
Step 4:
In the Sales Order page, it will show the no. of attachments that are linked to the Sales Order. In the example below you can see it shows ‘2’. To open the attachments, select the number in Documents and choose the link to the document name or select Preview.
When the Sales Order is posted, the attachments will also flow into the Posted Sales Invoice page which can be viewed from the Factbox.
Step 6:
Attachments can still be deleted in the posted document page. In the Posted Sales Invoice page, click Manage and select Delete.