Rebecca Morrison has re-joined the EBS team after having spent a number of years overseas. We welcome her back to the consulting team and asked her all the important questions…
All-time favourite TV Show? McLeod’s Daughters and Cold Case
Are you an early bird or night owl? Night Owl
What’s your standard Pizza order? / favourite pizza topping? Margaretta
Last music concert you attended? The Cranberries (a very long time ago)
Do you have a favourite quote or saying?
“Life isn’t about waiting for the storm to pass,
It’s about learning how to dance in the rain.”
-Vivian Greene
Cats or dogs? Dogs
Do you have any pets? Not yet! Kids are begging for a dog
Tea or coffee? And how do you have it? Tea, white
What’s your summer beverage and winter beverage of choice? Wine or Gin
Runner or walker? Walker
Favourite sport to play? Netball
Left or right handed? Right
What dish are you famous for cooking? Pulled pork & Sticky date pudding
What’s one strange fact about you? I don’t like the smell of coffee
What did you want to be when you were a kid? Hairdresser
Do you have any nicknames? Bec, Becky, Beckster
Sweet tooth or savoury tooth? Sweet, chocolate anyone?
Favourite condiment you can’t live without? Tomato Sauce
Favourite place you’ve travelled to? Glacier National Park
Who do you admire? My dad
One place or destination on your wish list to visit? Canada
What advice would you give your 15 year-old self? Experience everything you can and trust that every life experience, good or bad, will not be wasted and can help propel you to what you are destined to be.
What values are most important to you? Honesty & Loyalty
What EBS values resonate with you the most? Ethics