irabina autism services

EBS joined more than 70 golfers at the Patterson River Golf Club on March 16 to raise awareness of autism spectrum disorders in the community.

The day also enabled Irabina Autism Services to raise funds for children with autism and their families to provide much needed social and sporting skills and provide other essential programs and services.

Irabina Autism Services is focused on providing an environment that not only provides therapy in a traditional sense, but to provide support in areas of community value. Irabina runs a number of physical and social activities and funds raised at their Annual Charity Golf Day go directly to enabling these programs to operate.  They have basketball, dance and movement, aquatic activity, netball and a highly successful Auskick Clinic.

EBS Managing Director Paul Woods said “We see the Irabina Charity Golf Day as a great opportunity to get involved and support a really worthwhile cause. We also like to involve our not for profit customers like Australian Drug Foundation, Centacare Catholic Diocese and others by inviting them along”.

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