
What’s new in Business Central (April 2019 Release)

EBS have returned from the annual Directions Asia conference held in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. The conference had over 450 attendees from more than 32 countries. The key topic of the conference is the new April 19 release of Dynamics 365 Business Central. Every 6 months...

An EBS solution to budgeting

Over the years I’ve had the opportunity to meet with a lot of different organisations from a lot of different industries, all of whom were doing the same practice of formulating a budget in multiple spreadsheets. The common issues always arise; many sheets where links...

Reasons to move to Business Central

In this digital age, it still amazes me how almost everything has been developed and automated. From all the personal services that we need (groceries, online food deliveries, transportation), to corporate and sophisticated needs (business travel, financial reports,...

GST on Cash and Accrual bases in Dynamics NAV

You can set up NAV to report GST on both cash and accrual bases using Unrealised GST functionality. This functionality enables GST to be calculated when the invoice is posted and not realised or due until the invoice is paid. The first step is to activate the...

All the latest news and updates on Jet Reports 2019

There’s a lot happening with Jet Reports heading into 2019, with product line-up name changes and all new enhancements now available. In this blog I will be highlighting some of the key changes to Jet Reports. Product Line-Up Name Changes Jet has simplified their...